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Lawrence Okolie

record: W:17  L:0  D:0  KO:14
Win Ratio: 100.0%
KO: 82.35%
OCR: W:223 L:72 D:5
OCR Win-Ratio: 74.33%
Upset:  0
L upset:  0
 upset = underdog win and favorite odds *2 <= underdog odds
 record: as of 2022-02-27


1 matched

date fighter odds rd division odds opponent
bout detail 2022-02-27 Lawrence Okolie United Kingdom 1.12 12 cruiser 6.00 Michal Cieslak Poland
United Kingdom 17  0 0  14, orthodox, age:29
last 5: 5  0 0  5
WBO World Cruiser Title 21  1 0  15, orthodox, age:32
last 5: 4  1 0  4

bout data

15 matched

date odds* rslt rd division odds opponent
bout detail 2021-09-25 1.03 W: KO 3/12 cruiser 10.50 Dilan Prasovic Montenegro
16 0 0 13, age:28
last 5: 5 0 0 5
WBO World Cruiser Title 15 0 0 12, orthodox, age:26
last 5: 5 0 0 4
bout detail 2021-03-20 1.24 W: KO 6/12 cruiser 4.33 Krzysztof Glowacki Poland
15 0 0 12, age:28
last 5: 5 0 0 5
vacant WBO World Cruiser Title 31 2 0 19, southpaw, age:34
last 5: 4 1 0 2
bout detail 2019-10-26 1.28 W: TKO 7/12 cruiser 3.75 Yves Ngabu Belgium
13 0 0 10, age:26
last 5: 5 0 0 4
EBU European Cruiser Title 20 0 0 14, --, age:30
last 5: 5 0 0 2
bout detail 2019-07-20 1.02 W: TKO 7/10 cruiser 16.00 Mariano Angel Gudino Argentina
12 0 0 9, age:26
last 5: 5 0 0 3
WBA Continental Cruiser Title 13 2 0 8, orthodox, age:31
last 5: 3 2 0 1
bout detail 2019-03-23 1.03 W: TKO 4/12 cruiser 16.09 Wadi Camacho United Kingdom
11 0 0 8, age:26
last 5: 5 0 0 3
Commonwealth Cruiser Title
BBBofC British Cruiser Title
21 7 0 12, southpaw, age:33
last 5: 4 1 0 1
bout detail 2019-02-02 1.01 W: TKO 3/10 cruiser 31.00 Tamas Lodi Hungary
10 0 0 7, age:26
last 5: 5 0 0 3
WBA Continental Cruiser Title 20 11 2 17, orthodox, age:29
last 5: 2 3 0 2
bout detail 2018-09-22 1.35 W: UD 12/12 cruiser 3.32 Matty Askin United Kingdom
9 0 0 7, age:25
last 5: 5 0 0 3
BBBofC British Cruiser Title 23 3 1 15, orthodox, age:29
last 5: 5 0 0 4
bout detail 2018-06-06 1.09 W: TKO 3/12 cruiser 8.75 Luke Watkins United Kingdom
8 0 0 6, age:25
last 5: 5 0 0 3
WBA Continental Cruiser Title
Commonwealth Cruiser Title
13 0 0 9, orthodox, age:28
last 5: 5 0 0 4
bout detail 2018-02-03 1.59 W: UD 10/10 cruiser 2.45 Isaac Chamberlain United Kingdom
7 0 0 6, age:25
last 5: 5 0 0 4
vacant WBA Continental Cruiser Title 9 0 0 4, orthodox, age:23
last 5: 5 0 0 4
bout detail 2017-12-13 1.01 W: TKO 2/6 cruiser 31.50 Antonio Sousa Portugal
6 0 0 5, age:24
last 5: 5 0 0 4
4 7 1 3, --, age:--
last 5: 1 4 0 0
bout detail 2017-10-28 1.01 W: TKO 3/6 cruiser 32.00 Adam Williams United Kingdom
5 0 0 4, age:24
last 5: 5 0 0 4
1 1 0 0, orthodox, age:36
last 5: 1 1 0 0
bout detail 2017-09-01 1.01 W: PTS 6/6 cruiser 31.00 Blaise Mendouo Cameroon
4 0 0 4, age:24
last 5: 4 0 0 4
3 3 0 0, orthodox, age:32
last 5: 2 3 0 0
bout detail 2017-07-01 1.01 W: TKO 1/6 cruiser 33.00 Russ Henshaw United Kingdom
3 0 0 3, age:24
last 5: 3 0 0 3
7 5 0 2, orthodox, age:32
last 5: 1 4 0 0
bout detail 2017-05-27 1.01 W: TKO 1/4 heavy 34.00 Rudolf Helesic Czechia
2 0 0 2, age:24
last 5: 2 0 0 2
2 0 0 2, --, age:26
last 5: 2 0 0 2
bout detail 2017-04-15 1.01 W: TKO 1/4 cruiser 26.00 Lukasz Rusiewicz Poland
1 0 0 1, age:24
last 5: 1 0 0 1
22 29 0 13, orthodox, age:35
last 5: 0 5 0 0


18 matched

date w l d rslt opponent w l d
2022-02-27 17 0 0 --:-- Michal Cieslak 21 1 0
United Kingdom WBO World Cruiser Title
2021-09-25 16 0 0 W: KO Dilan Prasovic 15 0 0
United Kingdom WBO World Cruiser Title
2021-03-20 15 0 0 W: KO Krzysztof Glowacki 31 2 0
United Kingdom vacant WBO World Cruiser Title
2020-12-12 14 0 0 W: TKO Nikodem Jezewski 19 0 1
United Kingdom vacant WBO International Cruiser Title
2019-10-26 13 0 0 W: TKO Yves Ngabu 20 0 0
United Kingdom EBU European Cruiser Title
2019-07-20 12 0 0 W: TKO Mariano Angel Gudino 13 2 0
United Kingdom WBA Continental Cruiser Title
2019-03-23 11 0 0 W: TKO Wadi Camacho 21 7 0
United Kingdom Commonwealth Cruiser Title
BBBofC British Cruiser Title
2019-02-02 10 0 0 W: TKO Tamas Lodi 20 11 2
United Kingdom WBA Continental Cruiser Title
2018-09-22 9 0 0 W: UD Matty Askin 23 3 1
United Kingdom BBBofC British Cruiser Title
2018-06-06 8 0 0 W: TKO Luke Watkins 13 0 0
United Kingdom WBA Continental Cruiser Title
Commonwealth Cruiser Title
2018-02-03 7 0 0 W: UD Isaac Chamberlain 9 0 0
United Kingdom vacant WBA Continental Cruiser Title
2017-12-13 6 0 0 W: TKO Antonio Sousa 4 7 1
United Kingdom
2017-10-28 5 0 0 W: TKO Adam Williams 1 1 0
United Kingdom
2017-09-01 4 0 0 W: PTS Blaise Mendouo 3 3 0
United Kingdom
2017-07-01 3 0 0 W: TKO Russ Henshaw 7 5 0
United Kingdom
2017-05-27 2 0 0 W: TKO Rudolf Helesic 2 0 0
United Kingdom
2017-04-15 1 0 0 W: TKO Lukasz Rusiewicz 22 29 0
United Kingdom
2017-03-25 0 0 0 W: TKO Geoffrey Cave 0 2 0
United Kingdom